How can developmental editing help?

A developmental editor is a supporter in your corner who knows book publishing and can help you shape a clear and vivid message that will wow publishers and connect with readers.

1) Which book? Why that book? Why now? And who cares? Academic writers often take those questions for granted, or answer them in general ways. A developmental editor guides you through vagueness and confusion toward precise, compelling answers to them—so your finished book can have the impact you want. Sometimes, this means taking you back to the original excitement you felt about the project, so you can see your work with fresh eyes. (And craft more compelling answers to publishers who need to understand the book’s value and contributions.)

2) What structure and form best serve my goals? How can I make my argument stronger and more accessible so I can reach the audience I want to reach? A developmental editor provides detailed feedback aimed at helping you improve the structure, flow, clarity, and persuasiveness of your text. (Something many academic publishers no longer provide).

How can academic writing coaching help?

Academic writing coaches know what it’s like to feel stuck, paralyzed, confused, and insecure when it comes to writing and publishing. We offer tough, compassionate support to get you through the process.

We can help you stay on track, accountable, and feeling in control. We can help you develop more productive writing habits, explore limiting beliefs about writing and publishing that hold you back, and feel a greater sense of purpose.

Writing coaches can also help you shed mindsets born in grad school, dissertation-writing, and journal article publishing that prevent you from writing about your topic in ways that publishers want and readers will love.